Camelot Infant Care is one of the premium infant care providers in the northeastern part of Singapore. We provide personalized educare service to children aged 2 – 36 months. Our proprietary programme is curated based on the needs of each child. We believe in caring and educating children in their early years to lay a strong foundation towards attaining these virtues: C – ConfidenceA
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Camelot infant care provides one of the best infant care in Singapore. We strive to bring out the best potential in your child and give him/her a great platform to create wonderful memories along with fun-filled learning experiences. With a team of qualified and experienced educarers and a well-curated curriculum, we are able to provide the ladder for growth your baby needs. Here
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Not all young mothers are blessed to have their parents nearby to help the care for their baby. Often, those going back to work after a maternity leave are faced with the dilemma of whether to put her baby in an infant care centre or leave the baby with a babysitter, a nanny or in Singapore context, a foreign domestic helper. Infant care centres
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