Here are 5 tips which you can do at home to improve your child’s language skills: Help your child understand more by building on his receptive language. Model for the child what a word or a phrase means, like during “Clean up time!” then show the child how to put the toys in the box. Encourage your child to imitate sounds during free play.
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As a parent, you always strive to maintain the softness of your baby’s skin. But diaper rash often can be challenging for you. There is a lot of research and advancement going on into its design and raw material to be used in manufacturing diapers. Most of these efforts are towards minimising skin irritation and diaper rash in babies. Nevertheless, diaper rash accounts for
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The main source of nutrition for the first year of your baby’s life is breast milk, but once the child shows signs of readiness in eating solid food between 4 to 6 months, you should expose them to new flavors. This step at an early age will lead your child to healthy eating habits. Is your baby ready for solids? Signs that indicate your
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