Should my child attend infant care?

infant care programme

As new parents, we are often overshadowed by guilt of leaving our little one in the arms of a new caregiver for the first time. All of these feelings are incredibly normal and to be expected.  The advantages of infant care have been researched extensively and found to have positive implications that extend far beyond a child’s day-to-day happiness.

With the love for play, your child’s infant care should provide an engaging environment with stimulating activities, such as sing-alongs, arts and crafts, and imaginative play. A high-quality programme will offer fun and engaging experiences that support your child’s development of critical social skills. Your child’s experience at school provides an invaluable opportunity for them to develop their budding social skills as they interact with others.

There are 4 benefits :

  1. Build relationships with other children in a supervised environment. Teachers support and model prosocial behavior. Studies have shown that a focus on prosocial behavior in early childhood fosters altruistic traits and emotional intelligence, like empathy and compassion, throughout a child’s life.
  2. Opportunities for connection and communication. One of the many benefits of enrolling your child in infant care is the opportunity for your child to engage with others in active communication as they make meaningful connections and strengthen their language skills.
  3. Having a familiar environment where your child feels safe and comfortable will allow them the confidence to practice their expressive language skills at each developmental stage.
  4. Setting the ground for learning and growth. Having a consistent schedule and routine is one of the big benefits of infant care as it allows them to predict and anticipate what’s next. It helps children to feel in control of their lives and increasingly confident in their place in the world.

Schedule a visit with us at Camelot to learn about our infant and childcare programme as we pride ourselves in offering an engaging curriculum customized to each child’s needs in a safe and stimulating environment .


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