As new parents, we are often overshadowed by guilt of leaving our little one in the arms of a new caregiver for the first time. All of these feelings are incredibly normal and to be expected. The advantages of infant care have been researched extensively and found to have positive implications that extend far beyond a child’s day-to-day happiness. With the love for play,
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As a parent, you always strive to maintain the softness of your baby’s skin. But diaper rash often can be challenging for you. There is a lot of research and advancement going on into its design and raw material to be used in manufacturing diapers. Most of these efforts are towards minimising skin irritation and diaper rash in babies. Nevertheless, diaper rash accounts for
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Dear Parents, We are very excited to share with you that we have a new centre, Camelot Infant Preschool @ 45A Carmichael Road, opening soon. We expect this centre will be ready for registration in March/April 2021. Children at this centre will enjoy Camelot’s high quality care and specially curated education for infants aged 2 to 17 months old and pre-schoolers from 18 months
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Having a baby is one of the significant moments in a woman’s life. As the maternity leave comes to an end you may feel conflicted. Returning to work may be by choice or out of necessity but leaving your precious child in someone else’s care keeps you wondering if you are doing justice to motherhood. Women who have successfully managed to have taken on
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National Day spirits were in the air as we celebrated Singapore’s 55th birthday on 7th August. It was also a day where our children came together to celebrate racial harmony; a day to love and appreciate the multiracial society we live in today. This was the first of National Day Celebration for many of our infants. It was a day to remember, full of
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