
Posts byCamelot

Infant Care at Its Finest

Research has shown that the period from birth to age three is critical to a child’s development and future success. Therefore, it is important that the child is nurtured in an environment that facilitates positive early life experiences. At Camelot Infant Care, we partner with parents in their child’s learning journey. We are committed to facilitate beautiful childhood memories that become the foundation of

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The Importance of Playtime for Babies and Toddlers

Playtime is important for all babies and toddlers. It is fun yet critical to their development. In the eyes of the little ones, play is work and it is their way of learning about the world around them. When playing, babies and toddlers get to try out new skills and practice skills they already acquired. It encourages imagination, enhances their creativity, and teaches them

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Solid Food for Infants

The main source of nutrition for the first year of your baby’s life is breast milk, but once the child shows signs of readiness in eating solid food between 4 to 6 months, you should expose them to new flavors. This step at an early age will lead your child to healthy eating habits. Is your baby ready for solids? Signs that indicate your

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Camelot Infant Care: Your Partner in Your Parenthood Journey

Camelot Infant Care is one of the premium infant care providers in the northeastern part of Singapore. We provide personalized educare service to children aged 2 – 36 months.  Our proprietary programme is curated based on the needs of each child.  We believe in caring and educating children in their early years to lay a strong foundation towards attaining these virtues: C – ConfidenceA

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A Typical Day at Camelot Infant Care

Camelot infant care provides one of the best infant care in Singapore.  We strive to bring out the best potential in your child and give him/her a great platform to create wonderful memories along with fun-filled learning experiences.   With a team of qualified and experienced educarers and a well-curated curriculum, we are able to provide the ladder for growth your baby needs. Here

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